Currently viewing the category: "Recipes"

Here is a variation on a theme. I love the cucumber salad called sunomono that you get in Japanese restaurants. Long ago, when I had a sushi bar of my own, I used to experiment with this technique, using whatever vegetable struck my fancy.

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This dish is about the sauce, really. Green onions usually wind up in a support role, but here they get to shine and their flavor comes through. This sauce is based on a classic French Sauce Soubise, which is an onion-flavored béchamel-heavier and much more labor intensive. This sauce, by the way, is very popular in the classes I teach to middle-schoolers. Quick and easy, try it with chicken or salmon. It would work with hearty grains such as wheat berries or with braised firm tofu. A combination of grains, mushrooms and tofu would go quite well with this sauce.

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Here’s the recipe I have been using for the strawberry lemonade at our Fall Harvest Festival.

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This is an easy and quick way to make a condiment that has big impact. It was served at the High Ground Organics Harvest Festival as a topper for hot dogs and disappeared in a flash. I use the same recipe with shallots for smoked salmon and cream cheese crackers for breakfast.

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