These are the nice uniform slices of citrus you find in salads and dishes in nicer restaurants that look like a segment of orange but there is not white skin of pith on the segments. In restaurant lingo these are known as “suprêmes”. You want a good sharp knife for this, preferably one with a thin blade.


As many oranges or other citrus fruits as you need


Cut the top and bottom off the orange and stand it upright. Slice away the peel cutting top to bottom. After the first slice, just follow the edge of the peel where the skin and fruit meet. Save the peel for another use. Holding the orange over a bowl to catch the juice, slice in alongside the membranes (the white lines visible on the surface) to the core, first one side of the segment then the other. Put the segments into a non-reactive container, and when done removing the suprêmes squeeze the orange skeleton for juice over the bowl.

Source: Chef Andrew E Cohen

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