Colorful and crunchy with lots of bright flavor. The hazelnuts add a pleasing depth, and I like the idea of using them as I am told there are hazels near the Lewis Road part of the farm. I just haven’t found them yet…


½ head red cabbage (around 5 cups), cored and cut into ¼ x 1 inch strips
4 celery branches, cleaned, trimmed, and cut into ½ inch dice
3 firm sweet apples, core removed, cut into ½ inch dice
½ cup hazelnuts, roasted and skinned, cut into halves
1 cup, or as needed, Apple Balsamic Dressing


Toss the cabbage in a bowl with enough dressing to liberally coat it. While tossing it, do so with a little vigor so the cabbage softens up a little. Put in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.

Remove from the refrigerator and add in the apples and celery, along with half the hazel nuts. Toss to mix well.

Put into four salad bowls and top with the remaining nuts. Serve cool.

Serves: 4

Source: Chef Andrew E Cohen

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