This dressing was concocted for the Arugula, Radish, and Strawberry salad originally, so calls for good quality ingredients as well as a neutral flavored oil such as grapeseed.


1½ tablespoons balsamic vinegar

2½ tablespoons white balsamic vinegar

Salt and pepper to taste

¼ teaspoon fresh oregano or marjoram, chopped

Optional– ½ teaspoon shallot, finely minced

¾ cup neutral flavored oil



Put the vinegars into a non-reactive bowl with the salt, pepper, herbs, and shallot if using. Allow flavors to marry for 5-10 minutes.

Drizzle in the oil while whisking like mad until the dressing is fully emulsified or the oil is used up. Taste and adjust seasoning if needed.

Dressing will keep 4-5 days.

Chef’s Notes: If you were to use this with something that has more “oomph” to it that can do with less subtlety, and has nuts as part of the central flavors, add a little nut oil to the dressing before adding in the neutral oil. Green beans or haricot vert often have a almond or hazel nut flavor, or are tossed with those nuts after cooking. Match them with a few drops of oil from their respective nut. A salad with grilled chicken, arugula, frisée, cress, spicy sprouts, and the like, will respond well to this treatment also. Pistachio coated duck breast on an arugula salad would be well matched with this dressing with a touch of pistachio oil. You can also skip the shallot and fresh herbs and just use a small pinch of a dried herb, or you can rub the bowl with a garlic clove for a mild garlic flavor if you wish.

Yield: Around 1 cup

Source: Chef Andrew E Cohen

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