This originally was made for a salad of cabbage, roast oyster mushrooms, and roast chicken, but would work with many other items as well. Try it on noodles, or for a light chicken salad with celery, carrot, water chestnuts, and pine nuts. This would be good with lightly sautéed cucumbers on a piece of roasted or gently sautéed fish, as well as on other salads.


2 tablespoons Meyer lemon juice
2 tablespoons unseasoned rice vinegar
2-4 drops white soy sauce
1 teaspoon fresh ginger, peeled and finely grated
1/8th teaspoon freshly powdered coriander seed
Salt and pepper to taste
¾ cup neutral flavored oil such as sunflower, grapeseed, or rice bran
1 small clove garlic, peeled
1 tablespoon shiro (white) miso  


Rub a non-reactive bowl with the garlic clove.

Add the lemon juice and vinegar, soy sauce, and squeeze the ginger for the juice into the bowl. Add the coriander seed, and whisk to combine. Allow flavors to marry 10-15 minutes. Taste for salt, and then season with salt if needed, and a little pepper.

Whisk in the oil in a thin steady stream until the dressing is emulsified.

Dressing is ready.

If you wish to try it with miso, simply whisk in the miso until it is emulsified. DO NOT salt the dressing if you are using miso as most miso is salty on its own.

Store in refrigerator until ready to use. Dressing will stay nice and bright 5-6 days refrigerated.

Yield: Around 1 cup

Source: Chef Andrew E Cohen

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