The silky butter lettuces contrast with the crunch of the broccoli and the crisp bite of the turnip dice fills in for croutons. The broccoli (and turnips) can be made ahead of time and kept in the refrigerator, and the broccoli is great as is for a snack or a side, or you can even chop it up and add it to a sandwich.


4 cups each Red and Green Butter lettuce, cleaned and torn into bite-sized pieces
1 cup Tokyo turnip peeled and cut into ¼-inch dice
1-2 purple carrots, scrubbed with a brush and finely cut into 1½-inch strips on a diagonal with the medium comb set thinly on a Ben-Riner or mandolin
5 cups broccoli, stems peeled and roll cut into ½-inch bits, florets cut into 1-inch pieces that are then halved through the stalk
¼ cup balsamic vinegar
2 cloves garlic, peeled
Large flake salt and pepper to taste
Olive oil, 2-3 tablespoons-something bright and peppery like Belle Farms
1 cup Light Balsamic Vinaigrette (see recipe)
-Optional Garnishes­-
2 cups microgreens or broccoli sprouts
1 cup roasted almonds, coarsely chopped
1 cup quickled shallots or red spring onions


Set a pot of water large enough for the broccoli to boil.

Rub a large non-reactive bowl with a clove of garlic, rubbing hard enough to leave streaks of garlic oil on the surface. Use all sides of the garlic, then discard the garlic clove. Allow the oils to dry, then add half the balsamic vinegar to the bowl.

Taste a piece of the turnip. If it tastes good enough to eat raw-not too spicy or turnip-y, leave it alone. If it seems to need taming, prepare an ice-bath about twice the volume of the turnip. Put the dice into a small colander and dip into the boiling water for 30 seconds. Pull from the water and taste one. If it has mellowed, tip the turnip into the ice bath. When chilled, drain thoroughly and chill. Whatever happens, do not let the turnips soften at all. They are the croutons, so must retain their crunch and some bite.

Add 1-2 tablespoons salt to the boiling water, then add the broccoli. Cook just until the broccoli turns brighter green and loses its “raw-ness”. Drain and give a quick rinse under cold water. Shake off excess water and turn broccoli into the bowl with the balsamic vinegar. Toss to coat, then add the rest of the vinegar if need to really coat the broccoli. Keep tossing to coat until the broccoli cools. When cool, pour off most of the vinegar in the bottom of the bowl, the drizzle lightly with oil, and toss gently to distribute the oil. Chill in the refrigerator until cool.

When ready to serve the salad, toss the lettuces with just enough Light Balsamic vinaigrette to lightly coat the lettuce and gently toss to distribute the dressing. Place even amounts onto 4 plates.

Remove the broccoli from the refrigerator, along with the turnips. Drain the broccoli well and season with a little salt and pepper, then mound roughly 1 cup per person onto the lettuce. Wipe out the bowl with a paper towel, then rub the bowl down with the 2nd garlic clove. Add a little oil to the bowl, then toss the turnips into the mixing bowl and hit with a tiny bit of bit of finely ground pepper. Scatter the “croutons” over the salads.

Put the carrot shreds into the bowl you dressed the lettuce in and run them around the inside of the bowl to pick up any left-over dressing. If there is none, add a few drops to the carrots. Once dressed, scatter the shreds all over the salads. Scatter a few flakes of salt over all, and if using, add the garnishes now in a light layer covering the whole salad. Serve while cold.

Serves: 4

Source: Chef Andrew E Cohen

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