These radishes are plum sized and colored, but unlike plums can pack a bit of heat. Here, I “quickle” them and use a dressing that helps mitigate the heat. The idea for this comes from taquerias, where there is always cilantro, sour cream and frequently radishes. I cheat, though, and use yogurt instead of sour cream.

Radish Quickle:
1 bunch Purple Plum radishes, stemmed and washed
Salt as needed
1 cup rice vinegar
1 cup sugar
4 cups soft lettuce, such as Butter Leaf or Red Leaf, washed, dried, and torn into bite sized pieces
1 cup micro greens-optional
1 recipe Cool Cilantro Dressing (Follows)
Salt and pepper to taste



Make the radish quickles; Using a fixed blade slicer, cut the radishes along the equator into 1/8th inch, or thinner, slices. Put the slices into a non-reactive bowl and sprinkle with salt, enough to just lightly coat the slices. Toss to get salt onto all the slices and let sit for 10 minutes or so. After 10 minutes, rinse a slice and taste-it should have lost its raw quality, being a little pliant, but still crunchy. If it still seems to be just a slice of salty raw radish, let it go longer. When the radish slices are crisp-tender, rinse well in a couple changes of water at least.  Drain and dry in clean toweling.

While the radish slices wilt, mix the sugar and vinegar and mix until all the sugar has gone into suspension (no longer visible). Do this with a whisk or in a tightly lidded jar. Once made, pour over the radish slices to just cover them. Allow to marinate 1 hour or until the radish slices taste “pickled”. Drain the quickles you need before service in a colander.

When ready to serve, there are three approaches to dressing the salad you can take; 1)Dress the entire salad by drizzling the dressing on from above 2)Dress the entire salad in a bowl and then plate 3)Dress just the lettuces and let the flavor of the radish marinade stand separate.

1)Divide the lettuces between four plates, then put radish slices in the center. Drizzle the entire salad with dressing, then put a clumb of sprouts in the center of the plate, and season with salt and pepper.

2)Add the radish and lettuce to a bowl and lightly dress and season with salt and pepper, then toss and plate, finishing with sprouts.

3)Dress just the lettuce and plate, add the radishes and then the sprouts, and season.

Each of these will present a slightly different flavor profile, and have a different look.


Chef’s Notes and Tips:

You could add pistachios or toasted pinenuts to this, or some avocado.


Serves: 4


Source: Chef Andrew E Cohen

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