Another iteration of one of my favorite uses for herbs.



1cup packed mint leaves
1 cup loosely packed basil
½ cup loosely packed oregano leaves
Zest of 2 Meyer lemons
½ cup capers-rinsed
1 tablespoon(or a little more as needed) sherry vinegar
2 big pinches of coarse salt
8 grinds (or more) of black pepper
¼ cup olive oil
¼ cup extra virgin olive oil



Finely mince the first five ingredients and mix together in a non-reactive bowl.

Add lemon juice and vinegar, S&P, and mix well.

Stir in the oils to get a balanced mixture-neither soupy nor real “leafy”. Mix slowly, remembering you can always add oil, but it is very hard to extract it.

Allow flavors to marry for 15 minutes before use.


Chef’s Notes and Tips:

This works great as a topping for grilled flavorful fish such as sword, halibut, tuna, or salmon. Originally it was used as a condiment for steaks, but it works well on many things. I’ve used it on deli sandwiches straight or mixed into mayo, and I’ve even put it into scrambled eggs with veggies and cheese. Top with a light film of olive oil and store in the refrigerator for up to week or two.


Source: Chef Andrew E Cohen




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