Red Ace BeetsClick for beet recipes

We grow several varieties of beets.  Red Ace beets are the earthy deep red kind. Chioggia beets are a beautiful candy-striped beet, an heirloom variety from the Italian town of Chioggia, near Venice. Golden beets are sweet (and won’t turn everything you are cooking red).  In cooking beets, a great place to start is by roasting them, then they can be added to everything from salads to entrees. The beet greens are also tasty, so don’t throw them in the compost! Cook them as you would  chard or any other greens: saute, wilt, stir-fry, add to soups etc. Separate the greens from the beet roots right away, and use the greens in the first few days. The stems of the beets are also delicious roasted with some carrots, the greenest parts of the leeks and a bit of coconut oil and salt and pepper.

Red Ace Beets

Red Ace Beets

Chioggia Beets

Golden Beets

Golden Beets


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