Wash artichokes under cold running water.

Pull off lower petals which are small or discolored.

Cut stems close to base. (Use stainless knives to prevent discoloration.)

Cut off top quarter and tips of petals, if desired. (Some people like the look of clipped petals, but it really isn’t necessary to remove the thorns. They soften with cooking and pose no threat to diners.)

Plunge into acidified water to preserve color. (One tablespoon vinegar or lemon juice per quart of water.)

Steam whole until tender, adding cloves of garlic or sprigs of rosemary if you’d like.

For stir-fry or sauté, cut in half or quarter horizontally. If there are purple or pink leaves, cut them out. (Those leaves will be tough.) If the interior is white, the entire artichoke is edible.

Stem may be steamed whole with the artichoke.

Cut into rounds or julienne for salads or pastas.

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