Every year our little parent participation k-8 charter school in Watsonville agonizes over hard decisions as it faces budget cut after budget cut. How much more can we cut music, art, field trips, and physical education? How much more can we raise class size? Meanwhile conscientious teachers send home food logs, so the kids and hopefully their parents, can think about eating more healthy foods. Both of our kids came home with food logs to fill out this week. Go teachers!

Getting kids to ekids in berry patchat vegetables is a worthy goal that needs to be addressed on many fronts. Education is vital. So is availability of really good fresh produce. That’s where a CSA comes in. In the past, we have struggled with requests to use schools as a CSA drop off point, as they tend to be closed during about 1/3 of our delivery season. However, we really like the idea of serving schools as a way to get vegetables into children and get children into vegetables. So this week we are introducing our CSA at School program. Any school that is within our service area can become a pick-up site with as few as 10 members (assuming some basic logistical criteria are met—a shady place to keep the boxes, not too far off our delivery route, etc.). Just ask Chrissi for a CSA at School packet (including fliers and sign-up sheets that you can hand out to interested parents).

Schools that become pick-up sites will have the opportunity to learn about their farm through the newsletter, and can come visit their farm on a field trip once a year. In addition, we will donate $1 per box to participating schools, to help struggling schools with their fundraising efforts. (Sell vegetables, not candy bars!)

If you’d like to arrange for a CSA pick-up site and fund raiser at your kids’ school, contact Chrissi (831-254-4918 or csa@highgroundorganics.com) and she can get you started. Thanks!


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