strawberry upick 61210The summer weather pattern has taken hold here. While those of you who are inland a bit are feeling significant heat, we are enjoying our cool foggy mornings in the 50s with warming into the high 60s or mid 70s mid afternoon. Much of what we grow really loves this weather, we don’t need to water as much, and it’s easier to work outside in the cool weather than hot, so we don’t mind. But be prepared if you come out for the u-pick this Saturday with a sweatshirt and long pants. There are two more Saturdays of blueberry and strawberry U-picks June 14th and 21st from 10 am to 4 pm. The blueberries are at our home farm site, while the strawberries are just a 5 minute drive away at our Redman House Farmstand. Plan to arrive in plenty of time to wrap up your picking by 4:00.

In other news, we are selling some of our goats. We need to reduce our herd because of the drought. We will sell them either as brush goats or for meat. Most are Boer/Saanen cross wethers about a year and a half old. We also have a 3-4 year old LaManche wether for sale. They are healthy, happy, pasture-raised goats. Please e-mail Jeanne if you are interested.

UC Davis Study
Are you willing to participate in a statewide study of CSAs and their memberships that is being conducted by researchers UC Davis? The study aims to understand member satisfaction and retention, who participates in CSA, and how CSAs might better meet the needs of their memberships. It is funded by the University of California Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Data collected in this survey will be shared with CSA farmers, (aggregated at farm, region, and state levels so that your anonymity is maintained), so that they can better meet your needs.

If you are currently a CSA member of ours, the current member survey is available here:
If you are a former CSA member of ours, the former member survey is available here:

In recognition of your time, there is a drawing for twenty-five $100 prizes for completing the survey.


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